Hush, and shush, for the beldam might be listening…


Went to see Coraline 3D this afternoon, and in a brilliant stroke of luck ended up being the only person in the showing (unemployment, it seems, is not without its perks). So it was screw standard seating; head into the premier section, off with my shoes, feet up and 3D glasses on to enjoy a personal screening of an excellently eerie, bizarre and funny film.

The story in a nutshell is that Coraline, whose life at home is dull and is ignored by her parents, finds a doorway that leads to a parallel universe, wherein she discovers her ‘Other Family’ – a seemingly perfect mirror image of her parents, with a few notable exceptions, primarily the fact that they have buttons for eyes.

I’m sure you can piece together what kind of direction the plot takes, but while the story acts as a fairly predictable backbone, it is fleshed out with an amazingly fresh set of characters, locations and concepts that make for some of the most engaging horror comedy I’ve ever seen. About the horror angle… For what is a family-rated film, there was clearly a lot of effort put in to make sure the disturbing aspects of the story came across, with scenes ranging from eerie, (without wanting to give much away, one example is the Other Mother asking Coraline to let her sew buttons into her eyes… all the while grinning from ear to ear) , to creepy, to outright horror – this ain’t no Finding Nemo.

The 3D was put to good use drawing the viewer into the film rather than just throwing stuff out at you, and given the choice, I can’t think of any reason to see it in 2D. I’m one of the people who reckon 3D could well be the future of cinema; James Cameron’s upcoming film ‘Avatar’ is sending ripples through the industry with its reportedly ‘revolutionary’ 3D tech, and if that does take off, who knows? For the time being though, plastic glasses are doing the trick pretty nicely… 😛

So yeah, Coraline: laughs, gasps and chills. Highly recommended!

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5 Responses to “Hush, and shush, for the beldam might be listening…”

  1. Ken Kiser Says:

    It was a great movie (and a great book), I saw and read it twice each.

    But Of course I wasn’t as fortunate as you to have a private screening.

  2. Kerry Says:

    Perhaps the general plot may seem predictable. But if you haven’t read the book, nothing prepares you for the extreme change from devoted, adoring, loving, caring “other mother” to flesh and soul devouring spider, who has “weaved” a wondrous, yet deadly web/world. You get an inkling of sinister goings on, especially listening to the syrupy, button-eyed love for the beldam’s new meal. Pleasantly surprising, with an added blush at the sight of elderly “other” Miss Forcible with pasties on her buxom bosom and thonged derriere. Truly a world to wish for-loving parents who do nothing but love you, listen, and create a place of comfort, entertainment, and “perfection”. Chilling sadness, to be introduced to the lost souls of children of days past, who have sacrificed the ultimate for love and companionship, and can’t even remember their own names. All in all, a brilliant filmwork-the time, energy, effort, and sheer talent to make such a believably modern, old word style stop motion film; bringing home the age old adage about the grass being greener and watch what you wish for. A young, brave heroine who graduates from self pity to self sacrifice. Just wonderful. Wish more movies were done this way.

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